Brazilian Tax Law


Thanks to our expertise in complex tax litigation cases, we have long been successful in favor of our clients, often targets of millionaire tax assessments. The complexity of the cases requires a specialized office whose professionals have adequate knowledge and experience for the precise managing of the pertinent response, either within the administrative or judicial branch. We sponsor tax-minded clients, often harmed by tax authorities who misinterpret either the chargeable event or the applicable tax law. Complexity requires personalized service, one of our most important differentials. We also work in tax consulting and planning, aiming at improving companies’ tax structures and reducing the tax impact on their transactions. Brazil has, if not the most complex, one of the most complex tax systems in the world, a high tax burden and efficient enforcement agencies. Every business or individual enterprise, therefore, needs to be carefully thought in order to minimize the potential impact that taxes will have on their economic effects.

In this sense, our expertise encompasses Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) deals to analyze the potential tax implications of various corporate movements and suggest solutions that may reduce their tax effect as much as possible. Given the recent development of the startups’ segment in Brazil, we can help early-stage Brazilian companies to follow their growth path without unwanted, often hidden tax liabilities, discovered in future tax audits. In tax consultancy, we prepare legal opinions requested by our clients when there are queries about the correct application of the law, always with a view to its appropriate compliance. Our lawyers regularly publish and lecture on current and relevant tax issues, as well as participate in national and international working groups such as the Paraná Institute of Tax Law, the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law, the Ibero-American Observatory of International Tax Law and the International Fiscal Association.
